"BRONX BURNING" Selected into Tribeca Film Institute's 2007 TAA Connects Program
Tribeca Film Festival along with Tribeca Film Institute today announced the selected projects for the 4th Annual Tribeca All Access (TAA), a program designed to help foster relationships between film industry executives and filmmakers. Tribeca All Access will present 32 new projects at the five-day event, which runs April 25 – 29 during this year’s Tribeca Film Festival, held from April 25 – May 6.
Participating directors and screenwriters were selected from an open call for submissions, which garnered over 300 entries from across the country and will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with more than 100 potential investors, development executives, producers, and agents in prescheduled meetings.
“Tribeca All Access is now a recognized incubator for U.S.-based writing and directing talent,” said Jane Rosenthal, co-founder of the Tribeca Film Institute. “We are very proud to present this platform to celebrate a multiplicity of filmmaking voices.”
“Tribeca All Access is about identifying talent and challenging expectations,” said Beth Janson, TAA Program Director for the Tribeca Film Institute. “We are extremely proud of our selections this year and look forward to facilitating many new and exciting relationships.”
Two filmmakers and one screenwriter will be awarded the Tribeca All Access Creative Promise Award, which comes with a prize of $10,000 for narrative and documentary and $5,000 for screenwriting. Announcements regarding the winners will be made at the Tribeca All Access Awards Ceremony at the Tribeca Film Center on April 28th.
About "BRONX BURNING" - Director: Edwin Pagan / Producers: Beni Matias, Edwin Pagan
BRONX BURNING tells the story of the tragic events and misguided policies which almost led to the complete destruction of a major U.S. borough and the residents who decided to stay and re-claim their neighborhoods from the ashes of neglect, economic opportunism and political indifference. BRONX BURNING recounts one of the most concentrated and widespread cases of "ecoterrorism" in modern history and explores the reasons why, despite a crisis of epic proportions, those responsible for orchestrating the most rampant and longest-lasting "fire-for-hire" crime waves have never been brought to justice.
For a full list of the 32 selected participants and their projects, point your web browser to -- http://www.tribecafilminstitute.org -- and click on TAA Connects, or at indieWIRE: www.indiewire.com/ots/2007/03/tribeca_07_32_p.html
Congrats to you as well, I'm sure we'll have a meet and greet soon enough.
Erik M., at March 28, 2007 4:26 PM
please, when is the bronx doc coming to release? will i be able to buy it in europe? thx max
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