f THE PAGAN IMAGE - Edwin Pagán's Media Discussion Sound Board: LATIN HORROR is hitting the bricks..

THE PAGAN IMAGE - Edwin Pagán's Media Discussion Sound Board

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

LATIN HORROR is hitting the bricks..

Dear LATIN HORRORphiles:

In our quest to ensure that the Latin horror movement seed begins to bear fruit, we are designing a series of advertisements entitled GET YOUR HORROR ON! designed to bring more like-mind folk into the ranks of the revolution.

When time allows, please take a moment and check out the first one we are releasing starting today. Of course, feedback is always welcome. And since this is an entirely grassroots effort, word-of-mouth is an indispensable part of making this a successful publicity push. So please pass it on to your fellow "dark creative expressionists" or anyone else you know who simply is a fan of horror.


Thanks so much for the ongoing support.



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